Naked in the Stream: Isle Royale Stories
Beautifully illustrated by former Isle Royale artist-in residence Joyce Koskenmaki.
The love affair began on an arduous fifteen mile hike while portaging a canoe and wearing an ill-fitting backpack purchased by his mother at a discount store on sale. Naked in the Stream is Vic Foerster’s account of his adventures on his beloved Isle Royale, a national park located on a remote island in Lake Superior, accessible only by boat or seaplane.
Foerster’s humor and passion shine through the stories as we go along with Vic and his buddy Ken while they camp, hike, fish, cook, and meet other campers. He describes what it feels like to portage a canoe for fifteen miles with an eighty pound pack on your back, what dormant muscles spring to life as you paddle against the wind, exhausted but determined to reach the craggy shore, how to fish for the wary trout on light tackle without losing your mind, and how to hold your breath as you sneak by an eagle perched fifty feet away. Through Naked in the Stream we travel along with Vic and Ken, observing nature, the people they encounter, and the absolute laws of Mother Nature.
Arbutus Press, 2010
paperback, 287 pages, 6 x 9 inches